R Markdown can help generate:
It enables you to:
What is great about R Markdown documents is that they are fully reproducible and support many static and dynamic output formats, to name a few: PDF, HTML, MS Word, Beamer… You can incorporate narrative text and code of your data analysis to produce an elegantly formatted story telling journey.
It is a variant of Markdown that has embedded R code chunks (denoted by three back ticks), to be used with knitr to make it easy to create reproducible web-based reports.
R Markdown is a plain text file that has the extension .Rmd
To use R Markdown you will need to install the package from CRAN and load it with:
install.packages("rmarkdown", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")
👉 Go to the following GitHub repo to download the material: https://github.com/TanjaKec/RMarkdown_Intro
Starting with RMarkdown
Task 1:
Open the file RMarkdown_Intro.Rmd
Change the title of the Markdown Document from My First Markdown Document
to RMarkdown Introduction
Click the “Knit” button to see the compiled version of your sample code.
Congratulations! You’ve just Knitted your first Rmd document!!!! 👍😃
Basic Text editing
Task 2: Let’s format this document further by
Changing the author of the document to your own name
Rewriting the first sentence of the document to say "This is my first R Markdown document.
Recompiling the document so you can see your changes
Adding a link
You can turn a word into a link by surrounding it in hard brackets: [ ] and then placing the link behind it in parentheses: ( ), like this:
Task 3: Make GitHub in the following paragraph link to https://github.com/SisterAnalyst
Text formatting
To embed formatting instructions into your document using Markdown, you would surround text by:
one asterisk to make it italic: italic
two asterisks to make it bold: bold and
backticks to make it monospaced: monospaced
To make an ordered list you need to place each item on a new line after a number followed by a period followed by a space: 1. order list 2. second item
💡! Note that you need to place a blank line between the list and any paragraphs that come before it.
Task 4:
When analysing data… The variables can be one of two broad types:
Attribute variable: has its outcomes described in terms of its characteristics or attributes;
Measured variable: has the resulting outcome expressed in numerical terms.
Embedding the R
To embed an R code chunk you would use three back ticks:
chunk of code
Task 5: Replace the cars
data set with the gapminder
data set. Don’t forget to load gapminder
package using library(gapminder)
Prevent printing of the R
You can also embed plots by setting echo = FALSE
to the code chunk to
prevent printing of the R code that generates the plot:
```{r, echo=FALSE}
chunk of code
Task 6: Replace the base boxplot of mpg
vs. cyl
by a ggplot
’s boxplot to examine a relationship between continent
and lifeExp
(remember to use some of the dplyr
functions too!).
# ggplot boxplot
ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = continent, y = lifeExp)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = "hotpink") +
geom_jitter(position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0),
alpha = .2) +
labs (title= "Life Exp. vs. Continent",
x = "Continent", y = "Life Exp.") +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA,
colour = "black",
size = .75),
Adding LaTex
Finally, if you wish to add mathematical equations to your Markdown document you can easily embed LaTeX math equations into your report.
To display an equation in its own line it needs to be surrounded by the double dollar symbol
y = a + bx
or to embed an equation in line within the text you would use only one dollar symbol: $y = a + bx$
Task 7: Display the equation in the Including Mathematical Equations paragraph into its own line.
Congratulations! You have got the basics to start creating your own fabulous dynamic documents… !!!! 👍😃
You would definitely find the following useful:
© 2020 Sister Analyst